Who Do You Carry Within?

What Ancestors Live in Your Heart?

There are certain people – my mom is one of the – whom I carry within every day of my life. She is a constant companion, never-wavering, always loving. And, there are others.

Some days, life can get hard. On those days I love sitting in my grandmother’s rocking chair and imagining all of the women who came before me sitting there with me. A long line of strong, capable women have filled my DNA with such strength. I am forever grateful.

Journal Prompt

Make a list – either long or short – of the ancestors you know are within your heart.

My own begins something like this:
Aunt Helen
Grandma H.
Nancy D.
Josie F.
Frank F.

Each ancestor on your list has something valuable to offer your life. Next to each name, add a keyword or phrase of what you think that gift might be.