Readers Respond to the Prediction Issue

What Other Tarot Readers Say About the 2021 Predictions

I invited other readers to share their take on the 2021 Tarot Spread from the Prediction Issue of my free Tarot Newsletter. Here were the responses, along with my thanks for responding.

@SilverRavenTarot wrote: So much great stuff to read and learn about! I agree about us lightworker/empath folks needing to work together and with purpose to help people in the coming year. I see light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s a long tunnel.

Vicki Santell wrote: Reading…

Knight of Wands…How will humanity fare in 2021..there will be movement forward with energy and plans, but also with a lot of craziness and fear.
Six of Pentacles…Global warming….Money will be spent and plans made but it is really too little too , too late
10 of Wands …How do we respond to the years challenges..Lots of challenges weighing heavy on us with covid still present and how it affects us as society but we literally shoulder them and move forward slowly.
The Moon…What we all can do to help move graciously into a year of vaccines, political in-fighting, and hyper-partisanship. We need to look deeply into our own issues and continue to work on them to raise the vibration for ourselves and others to create more consciousness across the world. Instead of coming out of fear we find love, compassion, and empathy.

Melanie Alberts wrote:

Thank you for your prediction inspiration! I accepted your invitation to do a 2021 spread and below is my reading using your exact questions and the RW deck. Feel free to post it on your site if you wish.
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1. How will humanity fare in 2021? King of Swords Reversed

This card brings up philosophical issues for humanity; coming out of a period of lockdown, humanity had time to nurture personal beliefs, thus strengthening partisanship and otherness. However, there was also a rebirth of accepting otherness, such as in the Black Lives Matter movement which still feels on the fringe. I see a deepening and more wide acceptance of that ideal in 2021. Humanity will begin to privately release old beliefs, as a people we will start to peer beyond selfish concerns to how we can support others the way we would want to be supported.

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2. What will 2021 mean for the issue of global warming? King of Wands Reversed

Global warming deniers will get less publicity and the seriousness of the issue will gain more momentum across the globe. But first, the initiative must come from within…those who head corporations will view releasing their old ways as positive for public relations and going green will begin to blossom in unexpected places. Travel won’t accelerate as businesses realize the savings of meeting remotely, it may take years for the travel industry to revitalize, and when it does, people will seek more environmentally friendly escapes. Eco-tourism will be more in demand as well as more health-focused adventures for vacationers.

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3. How will humanity respond to the challenges of 2021? Three of Swords Reversed

A unity of mind is clearly necessary for challenges to be tackled successfully. We have to pull together, put aside differences, and get to the heart of the matter as one philosophically if we are to overcome challenges. This in itself feels challenging, but deep down, humanity knows what is best for the “greater good” and 2021 more effort will be seen to join forces. The urge to live in harmony is strong!

Extra question: What we all can do to help move graciously into a year of vaccines, political in-fighting, and hyper-partisanship?

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Nine of Pentacles

This card speaks of the importance of integrating grace into our daily lives. Grace is an appeal to holding higher values, a view towards seamless movement, and clear purpose. Grace comes from a place of confidence, not fear. As a rejection of the health destroying tactics humanity unleashed into the world, we now must embrace what supports us to make us stronger: focus on respect! We must respect the bodies of ourselves and others. We must offer financial assistance to our families as needed, and support green technologies to improve our planet’s fragile ecosystem. We must start at home with prioritizing health, practicing financial intelligence, training in a more viable field, volunteering in the community, sharing skills, and listening to each other’s concerns. How lovely would it be if we viewed each other as the graceful individual in the Nine of Pentacles, and treated each other respectfully?