Coming to the Crossroads

Although I’m a tarot person, I feel that this Lenormand card needs to be placed right over there.

Why? I’m so glad you asked.


While you know me as someone who works with the ancestors, what you probably don’t know is my history geekiness. I’ve seen the pendulum of American democracy swing far out to extremes, only to swing back at the last second before total destruction.

Going far back in time, we’ve done our best to test the resolve of this fragile democracy. Remember . . .

  • the 600,000 dead in the Civil War
  • the four dead students at Kent State
  • the corruption and near demise caused by greed for power
  • the numerous children slaughtered by gun violence
  • the do-nothings who could actually do something

The list could go on, but that’s not where I want to go.

I came to tarot as a healer and regardless of how many readings I do, I continue to be a healer. And today we stand at the crossroads. Do we take the well-lit right-hand path which leads to the castle? Or do we have the courage to follow the left-hand path into the forest?

Let me tell you a story.

During World War II, the magickal folks of Britain banded together to raise a shield of protection over their country. If you’ve never heard this story, Google Dion Fortune.

Could we magickal folks today do the same? I’m not sure, but here’s what I think. If one of us works our healing magick on the wounds of this country and those who live here, then one more can do the same, and then one more, and one more.

But how?

Being a tarot reader I turned to the cards. This is what I pulled.


The Ace of Wands (Fire) holds the potential of the entire suit. It is the card of  birth, creative energy, and drawing life from Source. It is a card of deep faith.

This Ace is the Staff of Fire, but it still sprouts new growth. It knows how to be on fire but still allow healthy growth.

For me, this is the card of making that big first decision. Do I acknowledge that this is the time to plant that fire-y wand, to commit myself to a stand?  Yes.

The Seven of Wands (another Fire card)  is the card of standing your ground. Regardless of how many others try to convince you of the folly, you remember your commitment to the Ace and speak up and speak out what you know is right.

You have an unwavering belief in the right-mindedness of your belief, that healing is nearly always possible.

Lastly, the Six of Pentacles. Typically known as the philanthropist, this fellow passes out that which he values, knowing that it will return to him tenfold.

How does this relate to the issue of healing the deep wounds of our world? This fellow knows that if he shares what he values (his beliefs, his determination) that the people who need what he has will appear. They are dying of thirst because they don’t believe they have the power to matter.

But they do.

I’m going to stop right here and ask you to consider what you can do. All of us are standing at the crossroads. Yes, the right-side path looks appealing, but if you look closely enough you’ll see that it’s lined with goblins and dragons. It’s possible the left-side path is just as dangerous but why not walk with me for awhile and let’s see what we might be able to do.



P.S. If you haven’t already read it, go over to Erika Robinson’s blog and read her post from May 25. You’ll thank me.













6 thoughts on “Coming to the Crossroads

  1. I read both blog posts and all I can say is “Whew, such medicine for the soul!” I appreciate both you, Erika and the wisdom you so freely share. Thank you for all you do!

    1. Hi Deb,
      Thanks so much for your comment. It means so much not only to me but to Erika as well. Love you! Nancy

  2. Yes M’am. With each healing session I do, I’ll give thanks for the healing. Not only for the individual but also for the Collective

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