Ancestral Dreams, Petitions, and Tarot

Calling Forth the Ancestors

Have you ever had ancestors appear in your dreams?  Here’s my story about an ancestral dream:

After writing a petition to The Ancestors, asking for assistance with a family issue, I had an ancestral dream in which not one but many ancestors appeared.

In the dream, I opened a door and standing there was my grandmother. Standing behind her was her mother and then her mother and her mother and beyond. There was such a long line of female ancestors I couldn’t see the end of the line.

I knew when I woke up I felt as though all of the Grandmothers until the end of time were letting me know that they were always with me, always supporting me in all that I did. I’m so happy I opened that portal.

Once I had the experience, I knew that by petitioning an ancestor (or many ancestors) I was calling them into my dream world, and could do so again.

Here’s what you need to know about calling forth ancestral dreams.

Petitions for Ancestral Dreams – What Are They?

The first thing you’re going to do is write a petition. If you don’t know what that is . . .

A petition is a written request, appealing for a specific outcome. You’ve seen petitions all of your life, mostly from people standing outside your grocery store asking you to sign their petition for one thing or another.

A spiritually-based petition is the same thing. It’s a written document (spell, poem, letter, etc.) that you direct to a specific entity (God/Goddess/Spirit – or in this case, an ancestor) asking for assistance.  In the petition, you are asking that a need be filled, and you are trusting the process and the outcome.

Next, before going to sleep, re-read the petition out loud as many times as it feels right to you. Then, place the petition under your pillow or inside your pillow case and go to sleep.

I do my best to invite the ancestors into my dream world as I drift into sleep.

If you don’t remember your dreams, it’s my belief that you actually did have an ancestral visit because part of the petition process is one of faith. It’s very much like the Divine Fool, about to walk off the cliff – he makes a leap of faith.

But if faith in the process doesn’t get you a dream symbol or image that helps you, I suggest pulling out your Tarot cards and asking the ancestors what message they brought in your dreams.

ancestral dreams

In this image of the 8 of Fire (Wands) from the Gaian Tarot, the 8 fireballs streaming through the sky would tell me that I’m getting ancestral messages all the time, I’m just not paying close enough attention.

For you, the answer would be different.

Give this a try – and use the petition more than one night. If this isn’t something you’re used to doing, it’s going to take a little practice.

2 thoughts on “Ancestral Dreams, Petitions, and Tarot

  1. I tried the petition after reading the post last night. I had a quick vision, and saw a person I’ve never met before. Didn’t think much of it. Seeing random people or situations in quick flashes happens a lot. This morning at work, i ran into the person I saw. I don’t know who that is, but that reminded me i need to pay more attention to signs. I can’t wait to keep practicing. Thank you for this!

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