Wheel of the Year Spread – Navigating Life from Season to Season

Reading Tarot with the Wheel of the Year

Liminal11 recently posted a spread that looked intriguing. Using the Wheel of the Year as a jumping off place, the spread (called the Inner Wheel spread) can be done at the beginning of the year, at each change of the season, or any other time you feel called. I first threw this spread close to Litha and will next do again at Lammas.

Begin the spread by choosing a significator. Liminal 11 suggests choosing a Court card with which you feel an affinity, but I decided to draw the one that would guide me to right action through this season.

Wheel of the Year Tarot Spread Positions

wheel of the year tarot spread
Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
  1. Significator – King of Swords
  2. Yule (Winter Solstice) What are you ready to let go of in your life? – Major Arcana XXI (World)
  3. Imbolc  (Candlemas) Where is your energy best dedicated? 3 of Pentacles
  4. Ostara (Spring Equinox)  How do you find balance in your process of change? 3 of Cups
  5. Beltane (May Eve) What is the fire that drives your expansion? 4 of Cups
  6. Litha  (Summer Solstice) The turning point. Divine inspiration. 6 of Swords
  7. Lammas  – also called Lughnasadh (August 1) What do you need to begin harvesting – literally or metaphorically? 3 of Swords
  8. Mabon (Autumn Equinox) How will your change feed back into those around you? Queen of Wands
  9. Samhain (Halloween) Guidance from your ancestors. Major Arcana XVII (Star)

Liminal 11 suggests that if you’re doing this reading on Samhain,  “draw three cards rather than one. One for your Maternal line, one for your Paternal line and one for the Mighty Dead (those who achieved much but have now passed on).”

The Wheel of the Year Tarot Reading

Done close to Litha (Midsummer)

wheel of the year tarot spread

I will leave the spread to your interpretation.

Something that’s important is that the *real* question I’m asking here is how to best navigate life from Litha to Lammas (August 1). And, when I do the spread on Lammas, I will be asking the best way to navigate my life from August 1 until Mabon – the Autumn Equinox (September 22, 2020).  Doesn’t it seem far more practical to plan forward movement in six week increments rather than months and months (or years and years)?

Deck: Hanson-Roberts Tarot


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