September at Sage and Shadow

Happy September


I’ve always loved September, probably because it’s my birthday month. But I’m not the only one as I just read a fascinating article on why September is one of the best months to set goals.

September marks the end of summer, the beginning of school, the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) – all of those things are markers that life is beginning to undergo a change. What better time to reflect on the past eight months and prepare for the divine dive into Fall? Hoping, of course, you celebrate what you’ve accomplished and shower yourself with kindness over the things you didn’t get to.

For Those Who Love Brigid

I was thrilled when asked to submit a contribution to the upcoming book Brigid’s Light, Tending the Ancestral Flame of a Beloved Celtic Goddess. Although not released til next Spring, the book is available for pre-order now at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


I believe there are 40 contributors, including Amy Blackthorn, Laura Tempest Zakroff, and Courtney Weber. The book celebrates art, poetry, stories, spells, rituals, recipes, and traditions as an homage to the worldwide influence of Brigid’s magic and lore,

My small contribution was a tarot spread based on Walking Brigid’s Path. I loved writing it and I love working with the cards that came up for me using the spread.

In the Ancestor Cafe


This month we’re working on the Shadow. It’s not a deep dive but a toe-dip into the waters of the parts of self that tend to haunt us. In case you weren’t aware of it, the Cafe is my $5 Patreon community. If talking about tarot, the ancestors, spreads, pendulums, and all things metaphysical sounds fun to you, please join us there. There are close to 75 posts in the Cafe, all accessible to members.

My Finds

Thomas, over at the Hermit’s Mirror created a special Tarot spread for doing Shadow Work. Although the spread is meant to be used with Tarot, I actually used cards from my own City Oracle and found the work to be powerful.

Brian Carmack Carr interviewed Cilla Conway, the creator of The Intuitivive Tarot and the Devas of Creation. You can watch the entire interview on YouTube.

In Ancestral Magic (which will be released in 2022) I wrote about using a pendulum with Earth Energy. In the process of writing the book I came across this fascinating article on Earth Chakras. Interestingly, the article also assigned specific chakras to places on earth, such as the Root Chakra at Mt. Shasta in California. Definitely worth a read.

If you love creating BindRunes I stumbled across a website that almost automates the process. Since I’m not the Rune expert that John Hijatt (@wyrdgifts1) is, I’m just going to leave this here and let you explore.

Have you noticed the Tarot Meetups that are reaching out beyond their original location because of COVID? The San Diego Tarot Meetup is now called Tarot Beyond Borders. It’s a Facebook group that meets on the third Thursday of the month via Zoom. If you’d like to join, pop over and join the group on FB. We ask three simple questions, then the door is open for you! The Zoom link is posted the afternoon of the meeting.

I also noticed the Philadelphia Tarot for Creatives has opened their doors. They next meet on September 24 at 4PM Pacific. The link will take you to the FB Event Page.


Everytime I post from the Trippin’ Waite I’m asked about the deck. It’s created by Tarot Collectibles. They have several unusual decks including my next purchase: Winter Waite. These three cards are from the Trippin’ deck.

I occasionally create Ancestor Cards for my work. So was thrilled to see that my friend Joanna Powell Colbert had created an online course for Ancestor Prayer Cards. I just signed up (you can take it any time), it’s $37 and even a non-artist like me thinks I might be able to make cards that look far better than the ones I’ve been creating! (I love this one for Georgia O’Keeffe)


The Autumnal Equinox falls on September 22. This is also the pagan holiday Mabon, the time of the second harvest. For me, this is the time of Apples! I found this lovely Changing Seasons spread created by Emerald Lotus Divination and thought it was a perfect way to say ‘until next time! Please visit her site – there are hundreds of free spreads.


Thank you for being such a loyal reader. I look forward to seeing you in October – the month when Ancestral Energy ramps up tenfold.



P.S. Thank you for all the kind messages about Ancestral Tarot – am so happy it’s striking a chord.

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