4 of Pentacles – What’s the Real Story?

4 of Pentacles – Miserly or Fearful?

As you begin the day, the 4 of Pentacles decided to tag along. He thinks you might have some impulsive behavior in mind. Although, I don’t think impulses are pre-planned!

This 4 of Pentacles looks like the town miser, although the area behind him appears to be rich and prosperous. Why is he holding onto his coins so tightly? Do the pentacles here represent coins or do they represent different physical aspects that he’s worried about losing. For example, health, job, family, a cat, a car, a house, his favorite clothes?

As pentacles are all about the physical, you have to wonder which one or more of the physical things in his life is he holding onto so desperately?

Digging Deeper into the 4 of Pentacles with the Ancestors

When I asked the Ancesetors about this man, the card they gave me was the 5 of Wands – the card of competition and ego. That tells me that the 4 of Pentacles doesn’t like working in a group because of the competitive nature of those around him.

If you’re reading this and you’re in the midst of your own work week, this card is telling you to steer clear of office politics and arguments. If you don’t work in a team setting, the Ancestors are still giving you the message to not engage with big egos who want to make you wrong. Whatever the disagreement, you’ll likely come out on the losing side.

And, even if you did win, was it worth it? Was it worth hanging onto those coins so tightly?

4 of pentacles collage

The 4 of Pentacles gives us so much more to consider than the typical interpretation as ‘the miser’. I don’t believe anyone becomes a miser because they were born that way.

People become miserly out of fear or loss. The question for you today is this – what are you holding onto out of fear or loss? Is how you’re feeling realistic or an illusion from past days?

The Tarot – always better at asking than answering questions!

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