Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius Tarot Spread

Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread

Although those of us who live in the U.S. won’t be able to see  June 5, 2020, penumbral lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, we can use this Tarot spread to investigate how the eclipse will influence our Sagittarian ways.

Even if we could see it, we may not notice much. Only an edge of Earth’s shadow falls on the moon during a penumbral eclipse, so you may only see a slight darkening of the lunar surface.  The eclipse begins at 17:45 UTC (10:45 am Pacific, 1:45 pm Eastern).  The lucky ones who will have a clear view are those in much of Europe, much of Asia, Australia, Africa, South/East South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Antarctica.

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Spread

Sagittarian traits include honesty, optimism, independence, and philosophy.

As the moon will be experiencing a slight eclipse, I thought it would be interesting to see which of our Sagittarian characteristics might need closer examination.

lunar eclipse tarot spread

Card 1: In what area do I need to be more honest?
Card 2: Is there an area of my life where I need more independence?
Card 3: Where do I need to focus my optimism?
Card 4: How would I explain my personal philosophy?

sagittarius lunar eclipse tarot spread


Card 1:  4 of Swords. Ouch! This one kinda hurt. Although it’s about thoughts (4 of Swords) and needing to give ourselves a break from so many ‘ouchy’ thoughts – – I can’t help but ‘think’ of the physical. I went through most of my life thinking I was indestructible.

Guess what? I’m not and that’s something I fight to this day. I hate that I can’t play killer third base anymore, or hit a tennis serve as hard as I used to. And I fight it. So – where do I need to be more honest? Simple – I need to stop thinking of myself as indestructible and start being more realistic about the things I can and can’t do. This is a tough one.

Card 2: 2 of Wands. I need more independence in trusting my vision and my will. I have turned away from my own visions too damned many times in this life. Trust my gut, know that my vision is Divinely inspired, and move with confidence. (Remember, all of Tarot’s 2’s belong to the High Priestess – and if there’s anyone who knows what she’s about, it’s her).

Card 3: 3 of Wands. This goes hand-in-hand with the 2 of Rods (Wands). I need to be as enthusiastic (if not more) about my ideas as I am about other people’s. This 3 is very much like the 7 of Pentacles – I’ve done the work, now let my ideas out into the world!

Card 4: Queen of Swords. This one’s actually easy. If I had to explain my personal philosophy, part of it would be the Queen of Swords. I am a truth-teller. If you get a reading from me, or if you’re a friend seeking advice or feedback – I’ll always tell the truth. I am that Queen. Yes, she is a bit detached and unemotional – both characteristics of being a person who is discerning.

Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread – What Do You Think?

If you tried this spread, let me know what you think of it. Okay?

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