Explorer’s Log – Knight of Swords

For Tarot Lovers Who Want to Fall in Love with Tarot Journaling

So what is the Explorer’s Log?

First, let me tell you about ekphrastic poetry.   It’s a poem written in response to visual imagery. In other words, something visual (usually a painting or statue) inspires a poem.

Every Monday, on the blog, you’ll find my version of Ekphrastic Tarot. It’s called the Explorer’s Log – and it’s an invitation to journal based on a Tarot card. It can be written in any form you like – narrative, poetic, steam-of-consciousness, crayon scribbles, or flat-out rambling. This is the time to use Tarot imagery to inspire something within you that needs exploring. It could be shadow work, releasing anger, sadness, or expressing gratitude.

You can keep your Explorer’s Log in digital format, as an art journal, a travel journal (internal), a text-only narrative – the choice is yours.

The Explorer's Log

Explorer Log – June 15, 2020 – the Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords Tarot RWS on the Explorer's Log

Things to consider:

-What is this Knight to you?

-What keywords do you associate with him?

-Do you want to get on the horse or move out of his way?

-How does the Knight of Swords make you feel? Make you think?

Quick example of how I approached this Log: 

He is my favorite Knight.  He inspires me to take action on my ideas, with never a backwards glance.  I’m not sure WHY, but I wanted to write something in Haiku format about him, so:

Knight of Wind

Blade flashing brightly

Horse aflame with my passions

Into the wind, charge!

That Haiku triggered a lot for me. In my Explorer’s Log, I asked these questions:

– what things/people/ideas do I allow to hold me back?

-who tells me my ideas aren’t good enough

-who tells me my ideas will never work?

And as I worked my way down this list of questions, the BIG question became:

Who in my life offers unwanted advice, pulling me off that horse as surely as if they had thrown a lasso around my throat.

. . . are you getting the idea?

Use the visual of this Tarot card or one of your own to create today’s Explorer’s Log.

Don’t force your Log into a neat box – let it go where it wants to go. If your page is filled with angry words, crayon smears, or beautiful art – it’s all good.

If you want to share, please leave a comment below.


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