End of Week Tarot with the Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is the Queen of Love

If you’re sick, the Queen of Cups will bring you soup, a warm blanket, and a fluffy cat, which she may have borrowed from the Queen of Wands!

If you want someone to help build your personal or business network, this is the Queen to call upon. She loves connections – the more personal the better. She truly understands how each of us are connected to the other.

In the traditional RWS (Rider-Waite-Smith) deck (above) you’ll see the Queen with an elaborate chalice. What is in it? For me, that chalice holds whatever our emotional need is at any point in time. Today it may hold love, tomorrow chicken noodle soup.

The Queen of Cups’ Magical Power

Other decks depict the Queen of Cups as slightly different personas.

In the Inner Child Tarot she is called the Guide of Hearts. This Queen’s story is straight out of the Wizard of Oz.

The Guide is the Good Fairy, always just behind-the-scenes, watching over Dorothy and her tribe. As authors Isha and Mark Lerner write, the Good Fairy arrives from heaven “waving her celestial wand and restoring Dorothy’s faith in her own magical powers”.

When this Guide appears, she brings a message of love sent to you by ‘invisible helpers and angelic spirits’.

Does she differ all that much from the traditional Queen? The RWS Queen may be more visible to you, but she is keeping watch over you just as lovingly as the Guide of Hearts.

And so ends this week. Clothed in loving protection.

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