Ancestral Tarot and Relationships

Tarot Association of the British Isles

Join me on Saturday, February 27, 2021 for a presentation on Ancestral Tarot and Relationships for my friends at the Tarot Association of the British Isles.

I will be presenting via ZOOM at 6PM UK time (10AM Pacific, 12PM Central, 1PM Eastern)

Presentation Details

For the small sum of £5 you can attend my presentation for the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI). (I believe the fee might be £6 for non-TABI members? Check with them and they’ll get you all set up.) All fees from my presentation will be donated to a Spanish dog rescue organization, Galgos del Sol.

From the TABI site:

Have you ever wondered how much family, generational, or ancestral patterns impact how you “do” relationships? Using Tarot we’ll explore the patterns and dynamics that set the tone for how you relate to others, not only in love, but in friendships, work relationships, and within the family itself. Please bring a deck of Tarot cards. If you have more than one deck, separate out the court cards in one deck but leave the second deck whole.

To book your place, please send £5 to via PayPal with the subject heading ‘Ancestors’. All donations go to the Galgos del Sol Dog Charity @galgosdelsol. Your PayPal receipt is your acknowledgement, and we’ll send you a link to join the Zoom meeting a couple of days in advance. We hope to see you there!