Tarot Spread for All Situations

Need a Tarot Spread for All Situations?

Try This One – It’s My Favorite

If you head over to my Pinterest account you’ll find at least eight boards devoted to Tarot spreads. That said, I know that there are spreads for everything from love to money to health. But this is my all-time favorite tarot spread for all situations. Plus, I use it for my daily draws.

tarot spread for all situations

My Any Situation Tarot Spread

Card 1: What’s going on in your specific situation?

Card 2: What should you do?

Card 3: What should you not do?
Deck used: Alice Tarot from Baba Studio

The question comes from Rick: I’m having problems with a client who isn’t paying my invoices on time. What should I do?

The Situation Card: 5 of Wands (Hedgehogs)  When threatened hedgehogs go into a little ball, leaving their prickly parts exposed. I feel as if this 5 of Wands represents your client. He knows he owes you money but he’s hoping that if he stays curled up with his teeth showing that you’ll back away. So the situation is one of a client who knows he owes you but doesn’t want to pay.

What should I do?  This one is pretty easy to interpret. Get the hell away from this client as soon as you can. His behavior is not going to change and although I believe he will eventually pay, everytime you submit an invoice you’re going to go through the same hedgehog routine. So push for this invoice, then (if you can) find a way to let the client know that you can’t continue working under these conditions. He KNOWS exactly what he’s doing, he just doesn’t want to let go of the money – even though he can afford it. If things don’t change, time to let this one go. Also, don’t just communicate via email – pick up the phone, use texting – every kind of communication you have at hand. He’ll get tired of it pretty quickly.

What not do do?  Don’t ‘fall’ for his line anymore. And don’t enter a large project without at least 50% of your project cost paid up front. This is NOT  a time to take a chance and jump off the cliff, hoping that he’ll step up and change his behavior. So don’t be the Fool – set up future projects with down payments, interim payments, and a specific boundary around payments.

Your Turn – How Can This Tarot Spread Help Your Situation?

Leave a comment and shoot me an email. I always like knowing how other people are using one of my spreads.

For more Tarot spreads, click here.

I pick one question a month to do this free reading. If you want to get into the mix, send me an email with your question.