Birthday Fortune Telling

Birthday Fortunes

Unless you were born on the 30 or 31st!

From The Gipsy Fortune Teller, by W. Parker (circa 1900), how our ancestors used birthday fortune telling – although:

And I have to add that this is horrible – especially if you’re born on the 1st. I hope the 1900 ladies and gents didn’t take this stuff seriously!

Birthday Fortune Telling 1-15

1st.—A child born on this day, will not live to any great age, is likely to have many excellent friends, and will do well in business, have much money and property, of a very hasty temper, liable to fevers, falls, hurts, bruises, harm by horses. The most successful years for gain and good fortune, are their 19th, 24th, 27th, 35th, 38th, and 42nd; will marry at 19, or 22 years of age. This day is good to send messages, write letters, apply to surgeons, take medicine, travel, or open shops, favourable to sell, but not to buy, aged people may favour you on this day.

2nd.—A child born on this day, will be fortunate, and gain much by their own perseverance, they will have few enemies, and may gain by deaths; of good temper, and obliging disposition, and will enjoy tolerable good health throughout life. The most successful years, for gain and good fortune, rises in life. are the 17th, 21st, 25th, 29th, 34th, 41st, 53rd, and 62nd. Will Marry in the 20th, or 23rd, year of age, and gain many friends by marriage. This day is good to buy, or sell, to let houses and land, favourable for gardening, to purchase new clothes, apply to females, collect debts.

3rd.—If born on this day, will be very liable to hardships up to the 21st birthday, after that period, will have more success, and better friends, may be rather public, and remove or travel in their business, or calling; moderate good health, liable to have imprisonment. The most successful time for gain, and prosperity, commences after 38 years of age, will marry in the 21st or 25th year of age. This day is good to take medicine, and to deal with Ironmongers, Jewellers, Booksellers, and those who sell ladies wearing apparel, good to marry, and send letters to either sex, commence law suits.

4th.—If born on this day, will possess an uncommon share of wisdom, and learning, may travel to distant countries, and gain thereby, have the management of other peoples affairs, of an agreeable temper, and disposition, moderate good health, subject to losses of money, in contentions, Law suits. The most fortunate years for gain and prosperity, are the 23rd, 28th, 33rd, 42nd, 49th, 55th and 59th, will marry in the 19th or 22nd year of age. This day is good to go journeys, visit friends, and apply to haberdashers, have parties, and favourable to take medicine, or visit physicians.

5th.—If born on this day, will meet with many crosses and disappointments in early life, until the 23rd year is gone by, may have many favors from strangers, and will have money in the funds, and p. 4freehold property left them, tolerable good health, of a wavering temper. The fortunate part of life begins after 34 years of age, will marry either in the 20th or 22nd year. This day is good to buy or sell, deal with females, begin any new work, apply to elderly people, good for gardening and to visit any exhibitions.

6th.—If born on this day, will have many excellent and superior friends, rather high in life, and the person will be in a very extensive line of trade, and is likely to have many unexpected benefits through females, of an even temper, and will enjoy good health generally. The most successful years for gain, rises in life &c., are the 21st, 24th, 29th, 33rd, 38th, 45th, will be exceedingly lucky in marriage, which will take place, either in the 21st or 22nd year of their age. This day is good to apply to the great, to ask favors, also to deal with any fancy business, or articles worn by females, or children, it is good to open or let shops, and to begin any thing which they would have to last long, make wills.

7th.—If born on this day, is liable to many crosses, and perplexity through relatives and near persons, in your various affairs, until 26 years are past, will be their own enemy at times, may have sudden helps and assistance from strangers, very seldom keep much money, or have property, very strange in temper, rather impatient, moderate good health. The most favourable years for money, rises., are the 22nd, 26th, 31st, 39th, 43rd, 50th, and 57th, will marry in the 21st or 24th year of age, and get money by marriage. This day is good for any one to buy or sell, take medicine, go to surgeons, deal with booksellers, lawyers, ask favors of aged people, visit relatives, collect debts.

8th.—If born on this day, will in general enjoy a tolerable good share of happiness, have money or property from some death, aged people will favour you at times, far beyond expectation, will prosper in most affairs, and of pretty good temper, may enjoy good health, and will overcome enemies generally. The most successful years of gain and prosperity, are their 20th, 27th, 34th, 39th, 44th, 49th, 55th, 61st, and 64th, will marry near 19 or in the 22nd year of age. This day is good to begin any new undertaking, send letters to either sex, marry, apply to jewellers, or purchase new clothes, sell on this day land or houses, attend markets, and visit exhibitions, and old people.

9th.—If born on this day, the signs imply many benefits, by the favours and friendships of the wealthy, will live often in great esteem and much respected in society, will do exceedingly well in business, and managing other affairs, of an easy temper, and will have good health. The most prosperous years of gain and rises in life, are the 24th, 29th, 36th, 42nd, 53rd, and 56th, will marry in the 20th or 23rd year of age, and gain many friends by marriage. This day is good for any kind of business, buy or sell, take medicine, purchase houses or land, attend to gardens, visit relatives, have parties.

10th.—If born on this day, the signs foreshow many crosses and oppositions in their affairs, until the age of 24 years is gone by, much success in liquids and drinks, and may have to do with a brewhouse, tavern, and such like, will travel across the sea, and see many different places, of a wavering temper and disposition, uncertain health. The best time, for money, rises in life., are in the 21st, 24th, 31st, 37th, 44th, 47th, 53rd, 61st, and 64th years; will marry in the 24th or 27th year. This day is good to go journies, marry, send letters to either sex, ask p. 5favors, apply to those in years, deal with haberdashers, and buy wearing apparel, or any things worn by children, begin new works, buy old books.

11th.—If born on this day, will be in a very extensive line of trade or hold a high situation in life, many friends, much money or property towards the middle age, success at times in many things beyond expectations, amiable temper, generous even to their enemies, will enjoy good health, mostly marry near 21 or at 23 years of age. The most prosperous years for gain, rises, money &c. are in the 33rd, 37th, 41st, 49th, 53rd, 57th, 64th, 66th. This day is good for any one to open shops, to apply to clergymen, bankers, jewellers, ironmongers, cabinet makers, merchants, also buy or sell, attend to gardens, land, build or begin any thing that you wish to endure a long time.

12th.—If born on this day, will have to encounter many difficulties, at the commencement of life, after 26 years will begin to improve, have more money, friends, sudden helps and assistance, liable to male enemies very often, somewhat hasty in temper, may waste money many times in speculations, business, seldom save to any amount, favoured at times by elderly people, good health generally. The most fortunate years for money, rises in life., are in the 20th, 27th, 34th, 39th, 42nd, 47th, 53rd, 59th, 64th, and 66th. Will marry near 21 or in the 23rd, year of age, fortunate in marriage:—This day is not very favourable to buy, sell or let houses, furniture may be purchased, write letters, marry, go journies, visit relatives.

13th.—If born on this day, is fated to rise above the ordinary station of their birth have money and property, by their own industry, well spoken of by most persons, do much good in their lifetime for other people, will have but few enemies, good temper and disposition, long lived, healthy.—The years for gain, money, rises, property &c., are in the 20th, 23rd, 26th, 32nd, 38th, 44th, 49th, 53rd, 62nd, 66th, and 68th:—Will be very fortunate in marriage, which will take place either at 19, or in the 22nd, year of age.—This day is rather evil to buy, take medicine, go to Physicians, visit friends, persevere in most things belonging to the field or garden, attend markets &c.

14th.—If born on this day, will thrive, live comfortably and happily, gain by deaths, and have many superior friends, will be much respected by great people, and have many benefits by strangers, subject to accidents, bruises, falls, blows &c., tolerable good health.—The best years for any great success, rises, or prosperity are in the 19th, 23rd, 27th, 33rd, 39th, 42nd, 51st, 57th & 59th. Will marry in the 19th or 24th year of age. This day is good for all things, to buy or sell, to travel, to purchase houses or land, marry, send letters to either sex, collect debts.

Birthday Fortune Telling 15-29

15th.—If born on this day, will waste much money in law suits, contenteons, Quarrels, but will very often, beat their adversaries, will hold a public situation, business, or calling, and will have a very active life, hasty in temper, and forgiving to their enemies, seldom possess money to any amount, moderate good health. The best years for gain and prosperity, are the 25th, 28th, 34th, 39th, 44th, and 52nd.—Will marry in the 23rd, or 27th year.—This day is good for any one to open shops, buy or sell, attend markets, deal with old people, attend to the garden, or land, marry, send letters, purchase new cloths, visit lawyers, booksellers, and those connected with offices, or who hold government situations.

16th.—If born on this day, will enjoy much happiness, have a good estate, and many friends, of a very ingenious turn of mind, fond of music, p. 6Poetry, Painting, will live in great esteem, and be much liked by strangers, may have the care of other persons affairs, will in general enjoy good health.—The most fortunate years for money, property, and such like, are in the 23rd, 27th, 33rd, 41st, and 48th.—Will marry about the 22nd or in the 25th year of age, and gain thereby.—This day will be favourable to begin any new work, take medicine, or go to surgeons, visit relatives, marry, write letters, ask favours, deal with haberdashers, merchants, and Foreigners.

17th.—If born on this day, will meet with many interruptions in their various affairs, in the early part of life, until 22 years is gone by, have property or money from some death, liable to be imprisoned through pretended friends, changeable in temper, indifferent health. The most successful part of life, is from 31 to 43 years of age, will marry near 20 or in the 23rd year of age.—This day is not good to boy, attend to cattle, the garden and land, avoid signing, or being security, very evil to buy houses or land, unfavourable to ask favours, or to do most things.

18th.—If born on this day, will be in the beginning of life have much assistance from relatives and is likely to become worth much money, many female friends, and unexpected benefits from strangers, fond of doing good to others, of an even temper, and tolerable good health.—The successful years for rises, money, property &c. are in the 23rd, 27th, 33rd, 39th, 45th, and 54th.—Will marry either near 21, or in the 23rd year of age.—This day is good to buy or attend the markets, take medicine, or go to physicians, ask favours, deal with haberdashers, or purchase any fancy articles worn by females, collect debts, marry, write, or send letters, consult lawyers, begin any new business or work, speculate.

19th.—If born on this day is fated to rise above their station of birth, to have great success, and will have many friends, may be very fortunate in business, and among the fair sex, very active and persevering, of good temper, and long lived. The greatest years for gain and rises of money, are the 24th, 29th, 35th, 41st, 49th, 54th, and 61st.—Will marry at 22, or in the 24th year of age.—This day is fortunate for most things, visit old people, go journies, have parties, marry, deal with merchants, buy or sell, ask favours, apply to clergymen, and commence anything that you would have cast in your favor, make wills or write.

20th.—If born on this day is likely to much chance in early life, after 23rd year is gone by, you will begin to do far better, have money, friends, sudden helps and assistance, at times their own enemy, seldom possess much money, persevering and of hasty temper.—The successful years for most money, rises., are the 25th, 29th, 34th, 38th, 43rd, 49th, 53rd, and 57th.—Will marry either at 20 or in the 22nd year of age.—This day is good to take medicine or go to surgeons, buy or sell, attend markets, go journies, ask favours, marry, purchase houses, shops, or land, apply to clergymen, merchants, lawyers.

21st.—If born on this day will rise above the ordinary station of their birth, and is fated to have houses or land, will be fortunate in business, speculations, will gain the favour old people, and have some money or property left, of hasty temper, and long lived.—The most successful years for money, rises in life., are the 22nd, 25th, 29th, 34th, 39th, 46th, 53rd, 58th, 63rd.—Will marry in the 22nd, or 24th year.—This day is good to buy or sell, take medicine, open shops, marry, write, or send letters, purchase any articles of clothes worn by young people, make wills, sign agreements, go to lawyers.

22nd.—If born on this day will have to encounter many difficulties till 22 years is past by, after then will have more success and friends, will gain by the dead, and be fortunate in trade, also in managing other persons affairs, of even temper, and tolerable good health.—The most fortunate years for money and rises in business., are the 23rd, 26th, 31st; 39th, 41st, 47th, and 53rd.—Will marry near 21, or in the 23rd year of age.—This day is good to take physic, or go to physicians, purchase houses, shops, or land, marry, write or send letters, visit relatives, go journies, begin any new work, attend markets, attend parties, ask favors, collect money, debts.

23rd.—If born on this day, is liable to lose much money in law, often changing their situation or business, seldom do much good till after 25 years of age—will have many friends of both sex, of uneven temper and good health.—The greatest years for gain and prosperity are the 26th, 32nd, 38th, 41st, 46th, 51st, and 54th. Will gain by marriage, which is likely to occur either at 22, or in the 24th year. This day is good either to buy or sell, and to purchase furniture, also to build or repair houses, go to old people or relatives, marry, court, ask favours, visit thy superiors, write agreements, borrow and collect money, attend to the garden.

24th.—If born on this day will be much respected, and gain by their own industry and perseverance, have many excellent and superior friends, will do much good to other people in their lifetime, ingenious and cleaver, just, and of fixed temper and indisposition, good health generally.—The years for most money, rises, and property are the 20th, 24th, 30th, 37th, 42nd, 49th, and 53rd.—Will marry in the 22nd, or near the 24th year of age.—This day is not good to buy, take medicine and visit surgeons, deal with haberdashers, milliners, and any kind of fancy trades, childrens’ dresses, open shops, commence any new business, enter situations, or advertise places.

25th.—If born on this day will in general have much to do with the public, and have success in their calling or business, liable to many enemies, will change and see many different places, hasty temper and uncertain health.—The most fortunate years for gain of money, rises., are the 23rd, 28th, 32nd, 37th, 41st, 42nd, and 54th.—Will marry in the 20th, or 23rd year of age, and gain friends by marriage. This day is good to attend the garden, marry, court, write letters, ask favor of either sex, visit distant friends or aged people—take medicine, go to lawyers or men in power, purchase at the markets, make agreements, leases, begin any new work, collect debts, buy clothes.

26th.—If born on this day will live in great esteem, and be loved by most people, have houses or money, and have the care of other peoples affairs, will have many friends, and rise by means of their superiors, courteous, obliging, mild temper, and good health.—The years for money, rises, increase of success, are the 20th, 22nd, 28th, 34th, 39th, 45th, 49th, 51st, 54th, and 59th.—Will marry in the 21st, or 24th, year of age. This day is good to attend to the garden—or purchase land or houses, ask favors, visit army or navy men, but not good to buy anything, make wills or sign papers, apply to persons who hold situations under government, commence law suits, go to surgeons—send letters.

27th.—If born on this day will change their residence, situation, and remove about often, seldom have much money, have few friends, will cross the seas, go to foreign countries, hasty in temper, and good health. p. 8The most fortunate years for money and favourable changes are the 26th, 31st, 37th, 41st, and 44th.—Will marry either in the 20th, or the 26th year of age.—This day is not altogether favourable—attend to the garden or land, but begin nothing of great importance, buy not, this day is evil in most things.

28th.—If born on this day will meet with many interruptions in their various affairs, till the 23rd birthday is gone past, more success then, and commence in business, or enter a situation, more money, friends, and unexpected benefits from relatives and strangers, will gain by elderly people, changeable in temper, and moderate good health.—The most prosperous years for money, and rises of a beneficial character, are the 24th, 27th, 32nd, 43rd, 49th, and 54th.—Will marry in the 21st, or 23rd year of age, and have an increase of friends and assistance.—This day is good to buy or sell things, and to ask favors, marry, court, send and write letters, go to physicians, take physic, journey, visit relatives, and commence what thou would have end in thy favor.

29th.—If born on this day will have many friends, and much success in their calling, business, or sphere in life—have the management of other peoples affairs, gain by the dead, and at times from strangers, of even temper, and good health generally.—The most fortunate years for an increase of money, rises in life, are the 21st, 25th, 29th, 34th, 39th, 41st, 47th, and 53rd.—Will marry either in the 21st, or 22nd year of age.—This day is bad to buy, or to begin any new work, take medicine, and visit old people, be careful in any affairs on this day, it is evil in most things.

So what do you think about Birthday Fortune Telling? Mine was wonky as hell!

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