What is Dawning for You?
I am available for Summer Solstice Readings
Now through June 22
From Now til Equinox
As the sun reaches its zenith and the days are filled with vibrant energy, there’s no better time to seek clarity and guidance through a Summer Solstice Tarot Reading.
This unique reading taps into the powerful energy of the day with the most sun-time, illuminating the path ahead until we reach September 22, the day of the equinox.
Let’s look at what’s coming up in your life from now until then. I don’t know about you, but I love being prepared for this next season.
Do you have specific areas of your life you’d like me to look at? LET ME KNOW.
Simple Ordering Process
To order your reading:
- Click the button to submit your payment via PayPal $75
- Follow up with an email to me. This ensures I know you’ve requested a reading. My email: sageandshadow@gmail.com
- Let me know in your email if there are specific areas of your life that you’d like more information about. Don’t let this incredible energy of growth get by without focusing on what’s most important to you.
Your Video Recording
As soon as I’ve completed your reading I will email you a link to download the video. Thanks in advance for any feedback you’d like to share.
Just as I light a candle and ask for Spirit’s presence when I read, I encourage you to light your own candle and create Sacred Space as you watch your video.
Whether giving or receiving a reading, the act itself is a form of Divination Magick. I ask that you to watch your video through that lens.
The Decks I Use
I have been asked about the deck that I use. The short answer is: I use the deck/s that feels right for you. I may use four or five different decks, including:
- Robin Wood Tarot
- Ancestral Magick (my own deck)
- Universal Waite
- Roses, Dust & Ashes
- Spirit Oracle
- Sidewalk Oracle
- Southern Gothic Oracle
- Witches Garden
- Mystic Mondays
I am Nancy Hendrickson, the author of Ancestral Tarot, Ancestral Grimoire, and Ancestral Magick. My newest deck, Ofrenda Oracle will be out in time for Samhain and Day of the Dead
Readings are for entertainment purposes only. I do not read for minors, or on medical or legal issues.
Confidentiality is assured.