11 Days of Yuletide Tarot Spread – Days 1-4

Asking the Big Question in the 11 Days of Yuletide Tarot Spread

My friends over at Liminal 11 posted an 11-card Tarot spread that’s meant to be started on December 21 (Winter Solstice), with the last card drawn on New Year’s Eve. The suggestion was to ask a big question about the New Year or get answers about the year that’s now passing. When formulating your question, think big as you’ll have 11 cards with answers.

My question was “What is right action for me to live my best life in 2021?”. I’m turning over Card #1 today and will be posted new draws each day through New Year’s Eve.

If you do this spread, please comment about your question and what cards you’ve drawn!

On the First Day of Yuletide I Drew

Modern witch tarot 8 pentacles

I know many people see the 8 of Pentacles as the card of the apprentice, however for me this 8 has always been the Master Worker.

Since this was the first of my 11 answers to living my best life in 2021, the message is about perfecting my craft. Yes, I’ve written a lot of books, but I can always improve my skills. Day one complete.

On the Second Day of Yuletide

My friend Fred West’s favorite card (he’s @punk_ofprophecy on IG)

7 of Swords Modern Witch Tarot

Oftentimes this card appears when the message is about getting the hell out of Dodge, OR grab what you can and run. But in this rendition of the Modern Witch Tarot, I am overwhelmed by the feeling of “pack your suitcase with everything that’s important, and get away from that house”. So as part of the 11-card answer to my Big Question, I’m being told to be willing to leave some ideas and plans behind. Take the ones with me into 2021 that are REALLY important, but let the others go. I mean it: Let them go.

Who knows what the next card, drawn tomorrow, will bring?

On the Third Day of Yuletide

Modern Witch Tarot Justice

Ah, a bit of a warning. Better watch what I say and do because I will only gain that which I sow. That means I have to be aware, awake, and being my best me in order to reap the success of the year.

You know, Justice is an interesting card. She really wants us to be our best selves. To be responsible, respectful, and taking care in everything that we do. Fair enough . . . I’m listening Ms. Justice.

On the Fourth Day of Yuletide

6 of Pentacles Modern Witch Tarot


The 6 of Pentacles advises that I spend time in 2021 as a Philanthropist of the Soul. Helping, healing, donating, being charitable in all of my Works. So be it.

On the Fifth Day of Yuletide and Beyond

Oops, I realized that I wanted to keep the remainder of my draws private. Sorry (:

Deck: Modern Witch Tarot


2 thoughts on “11 Days of Yuletide Tarot Spread – Days 1-4

    1. Hi Mary – Wow! With Abundance and the Empress, 2021 is looking pretty good right now!!! Nancy

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