Ancestral Messages: OCTOBER ONLY

Please do not wait until October to order your Ancestral Message. I fill up extremely fast and can only do a limited number each day. I do the readings in the order they are received.

No one wants you to be happier or to live a more fulfilling life than your own ancestors. They truly are your biggest and most enduring fans.

If you are drawn to the wisdom of the ancestors, this could be an opportune time for receiving ancestral messages.

I am currently open for ordering an Ancestral Message. These are direct communications from both sides of your family, done with my Ancestral Magick Oracle, tarot, Sidewalk Oracle, and charms. The messages are clear and I’m honored to deliver them to you.  ALL MESSAGES WILL BE DONE IN OCTOBER

What is an Ancestral Message?

A message received from someone who has passed over. This might be a relative that you knew, an Ancestor from hundreds of years ago, or even someone who was significant to you in another lifetime. Messages may come from one person or many. I never know until I know. 

Ancestral connections often bring a healing presence into your life, allowing you to address unresolved issues and emotions that may have been carried through generations. I encourage you to integrate the messages into your own story.

If you have specific areas of concern, don’t hesitate to let me know via email

Because I I fill up so quickly wait time can be two or more weeks.