The Working on Ourselves Issue

Black Lives Matter in the Neighborhood

The photos above were taken during my neighborhood walks this past week. I saw yard signs, sheets with Black Lives Matter hung over 2nd story balconies, and lots of sidewalk chalk sayings.

Because I am not black, I will never fully understand the daily worry of a black woman – particularly ones who have black sons. But I can, in my own way be supportive – as can we all. For me, that support took the form of a donation to the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization specializing in civil rights. For you it may mean something totally different.

In the tarot community we’ve all seen a celebration of Black tarot readers and astrologers. To that end, I wanted to post a list of people of color on IG that you may want to follow. They are:

  • @redlightreadings
  • @thesagittarianmind
  • @tara.nikita
  • @elysianspirittarot
  • @what_shaniquas_into
  • @peoplesoracle
  • @abundantlifetarot

I’ve also added one more – not a divination person – but an incredibly talented artist @artxsun. If you love art, go over and get acquainted with her beautiful work.

Don’t know about you, but if there were several people of color doing work in our community a few years ago, I wasn’t aware of them. White blinders? I’m just happy to see them being recognized by more than a handful of clients.

Want More Abundance

And speaking of Black tarot readers, my friend, V (@redlightreadings) is doing her very first group on manifesting, beginning June 21. It includes two group Zooms, a FB group, exercises, and more. Cost is $22 USD. You can find out more on her @redlightreadings post. Manifesting isn’t always just about money, so if there’s a heart space or a fulfillment space that feels empty, you might want to check this one out. I’m going to.

magic of manifestation

On the Blog

The Explorer’s Log. This is designed for those who want to Tarot journal or those who hate journaling but want to fall in love with Tarot journaling.

Years ago I journaled daily, but as I had more and more professional writing assignments, journaling fell off my plate. But some switch flipped in March (probably a response to being in lock-down) and I started again, but this time using Tarot. Honestly, it’s made me remember exactly WHY I journaled in the first place. I hope it does the same for you.

Pop by the blog tomorrow.

BTW, you may want to journal digitally, but I went back to pen and paper and now use small notebooks made by a company called StudioOh! I’m currently writing in the one below, but they have a wide variety of design choices, usually sold in 3-packs. I bought mine at a local bookstore just as we were going into quarantine, and have since ordered more from Amazon.
Tarot Journaling

One More Thing

Thanks to input and encouragement from Christiana Gaudet (Tarot reader extraordinare) I’m going to create a free class on Sidewalk Oracles. It’s going to be about the many ways we can listen to Spirit. More later. Am also working on two other secret projects, so stay tuned.

I hope your week is lovely, that you stay grounded, and that you allow as much joy into your heart as you can.

These are tough times (but as one of the sidewalk chalks said) so are we.

Until next time,


P.S. I’m compiling a list of male Tarot, Rune, Astrology folks as I feel they often get as ignored as people of color. Shoot me an email if you have names you want to add to the list

2 thoughts on “The Working on Ourselves Issue

  1. You should also look into Teyannah Lee MacQuillar on Instagram. She‘s also doing ancestral work and genealogy with tarot. She also created the Hoodoo tarot.

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