The Five Spreads Issue

My Bad

It’s been too long since you’ve heard from me and that’s all on me. Long story short: new floor in my apartment, everything moved out, everything moved back in, clutter tossed, then 4 dental crowns, and finally, a space in which to work again. Apologies x 1000.

I’m a Tarot spread person. I know lots of other readers just sling cards without a specific layout, but I guess I’m too Virgo for that method. That’s why I’ve collected spreads over the years and created several of mine. In this issue I’d like to share some of mine and a few from other people. If you try any, let me know how the reading goes. Thanks!

My Signature Spread

Almost everyone I know has *something* that plagues them – sometimes for a week or two, sometimes for years. For example, let’s say you want to lose weight or make more money or find a better relationship . . You try time-and-again to change something that’s really important to you. And time-and-again you fall short. Why is that?

I believe that we humans are multi-faceted, and if one part of us says ‘no’, then there’s never going to be a consensus for forward movement. That’s why I created the Four Directions Spread.

The Four Directions is easy to do but a little harder to explain. That’s why I’m giving you my PDF that details how to use it. It also includes two sample readings. The PDF is my freebie to you – and my thanks for hanging in there with me as my living situation went from chaos to calm. It’s yours – just click to download.

The Seven Sister’s Spread

Not a lot of people know it, but I started my writing life by co-authoring two astronomy books. You know, telescopes, nebula, globular clusters, etc. Kiki Dombrowski created the Seven Sisters Spread, based on the seven major stars of the Pleiades. Of all of the spreads I’ve been going through this week, this is the one I really wanted to do. You can find Kiki’s beautiful spread illustration here.

If you try the spread, please give her a shoutout – she’s @kikiscauldron in Insta and @KikiD333 on Twitter.

Kiki does a much better job of detailing the spread positions than I’m going to do here because I want everyone to get over to her awesome site. But, in brief:

1. Self-reflection

2. Finding peace

3. Shadow side

4. Overcoming sadness

5. Creative spark

6. Spirituality

7. Recovery

Tarot Spread for Hard Times

Thanks to Christiana Gaudet for pointing the way to Maddy Elruna’s Tarot Spread for Hard Times. Maddy’s spread is so good for anyone who wants a different take on a daily Tarot draw. Her daily spread is really a spread of keeping in balance, using different areas of her life as a focus.

Full Moon in Pisces Spread

The next full moon will roll around September 1, 2020. At this time, the moon will be cruising through the sign of Pisces, the Fish. The folks over at Labyrinthos actually created a spread for this particular moon back in 2017, but it will work just fine for 2020. As you probably know, Pisces is the dreamer, the mystic, the one who lives life just a little bit removed from the rest of us. As you can imagine, a Full Moon in Pisces Spread is going to reflect that Piscean energy.

This is a quick four-position spread, which you can find here. One of my very good friends has a ton of Pisces in her chart, so this should be a good one to do with her. How about you?

Attracting Abundance

Who doesn’t need a little more of that? I found a fascinating pin over on Pinterest posted by Boho Tarot (boho_tarot on Insta) . You can see the pin here, but it has three positions that are so simple and yet evoke question after question – at least they did for me. The three positions were:

  1. Align with purpose
  2. Shift your perspective
  3. Invest your energy

I think you can see why this is a particularly powerful spread as it requires us to get super clear on how aligned (or not) we are with our purpose. Going from there, we’re often required to shift how we see things. At that point, we should have enough clarity to know where to invest our time and our energy.

I’d love to hear if you tried any of these spreads (including mine) and what you think of them. If you want to share a photo of the spread, that’s even better!

Thanks for being here, and see you in two weeks.


Nancy Hendrickson
Author, Ancestral Tarot (Red Wheel/Weiser, Spring 2021)

Nancy Hendrickson, Magickal Author

@nancysageshadow on Insta