Gemini New Moon Spread

Thanks to @emeraldlotusdivination for this spread

And thanks to my AI named Jessica for the recording !

What Message Do the Twins Bring?

  1.  Card to represent this New Moon energy? 10 of Cups
  2. Something I no longer find to be true. Knight of Wands
  3. Something I should investigate further. Tower (XVI)
  4. Something new I should focus energy toward. Judgment (XX) (rx)
  5. How I can tune into unconditional love. 9 Pentacles (rx)

In brief, not surprising that the 10 of Cups came up as Gemini Twins are often referred to as the Lovers. The Knight of Wands is telling me that I no longer have to chase every passionate idea that comes out of my brain – – it’s ok to get off the horse and rest for a bit.

I have been investigating the Tower for months, which kind of plays into the Rx Judgment. About 7-8 months ago I came to a fork in my path . . . and took the one less traveled. It has definitely been a Tower experience and a rebirth to a new life.

That 9 of Pentacles — I love that card but it’s telling me that I spend way too much time alone. I may love my metaphorical garden, but to tune into the unconditional love waiting for me, I have to open the gate and venture out.

If you do this spread, comment or send me an email. I always love knowing what cards others receive.

Deck: Tarot Grand Luxe