Gemini New Moon Issue

A Few Astro Notes

If you ever catch Mitchell Osborn on FB Live, you’ll see he often appears with V. (she’s @redlightreadings on Instagram). V did an IG live on May 22 (New Moon in Gemini). I like her take on New Moon wishes – she is an advocate of writing down up to five things on your “I Wish” list, then tucking the list under your pillow or into your pillow case. This was a new one for me, but I decided to follow along. We’ll see what happens when the next New Moon rolls around. (June 20/21, in Cancer).


By the way, V.’s also on the latest episode of Theresa Reed’s Tarot Bytes podcast, talking about merging Tarot and astrology.


June is also bringing two eclipses: A Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5, and a Solar eclipse on June 21. Eclipse season is definitely on its way.

World Domination Association Virtual Conference

Thank goodness for Zoom and Facebook live, both of which are getting a lot of work-out as conferences move from live to virtual. Which brings me to the World Divination Association’s Virtual Conference that runs May 30-31.


Because the WDA founder, Toni Puhle, lives in Germany, many of the presentations are at midde-of-the-night times for Pacific Time Zone. However, you can watch any of the replays for a week following the conference.


If you haven’t seen information on the conference, here’s an overview. The presentations will run via Facebook Live. The entire conference is 35 €, or a little over $38 U.S., or 31 British Pounds. The conference schedule was released a few days ago and it looks as though Toni has lined up some amazing presenters, 38 in all.


Our friend Alison Cross will be speaking on Court Cards in the Marseille deck, while Esotoracle co-founder Steven Bright is covering other cartomancy methods to use with Tarot. Topics range from animal communication and intuitive healing to gypsy cards and Nature Omens. You can download the entire schedule here //


The conference schedule times are shown in both London and East Coast (U.S.) times so you’ll have to do a little converting to find when they’re live for you. I suspect I’ll catch the ones that are good times for Pacific Coast, then watch the others in replay.

Website Update

I’ve been re-doing the Sage and Shadow website this week, and have started accepting clients for email readings. Interestingly, I drew three cards about the re-do and opening up my readings to non-personal referrals. I pulled the Queen of Cups, 9 of Cups, and 3 of Cups. Do you think Spirit was trying to give me a giant thumbs up.

sage and shadow

I also have a few book proposals in mind but just can’t seem to commit to one. I’d like to get something clear in my mind before Mercury goes retrograde on June 18. We Virgos don’t do Merc rx well!

I think that’s about it for today. Oh yes – one more thing. I’ll be presenting at the Staarcon Tarot Conference in Florida next January. Right now it’s a little iffy on whether it will be live or virtual, but I’ll keep you updated. I’m going to be speaking on Ancestral Tarot – How to Recognize and Break Destructive Family Patterns. Hope to see you there – if not before!

Be well and stay home unless you really need to go out!
