Fortune Telling With Dominoes

Did You Know That Your Ancestors Did Fortune Telling With Dominoes?

Dominoes Can Tell the Future! At least that’s what they thought 100 years ago!

From The Gipsy Fortune Teller, by W. Parker
I know there have been books written in recent years about fortune telling with dominoes but honestly . . . I’m not much of a believer. How about you?

Domino Six

Double-six—receiving a handsome sum of money.

Six-five—going to a public amusement.

Six-four—law suits.

Six-three—ride in a coach.

Six-two—a present of clothing.

Six-one—you will soon perform a friendly action.

Six-blank—guard against scandal, or yon will suffer by your inattention.

Domino Five

Double-five—a new abode to your advantage.

Five-four—a fortunate speculation.

Five-three—a visit from a superior.

Five-two—a water party.

Five-one—a love intrigue.

Five-blank—a funeral, but not of a relation.

Domino Four

Double-four—drinking liquor at a distance.

Four-three—a false alarm at your house.

Four-two—beware of thieves or swindlers. Ladies take notice of this; it means more than it says.

Four-one—trouble from creditors.

Four-blank—receive a letter from an angry friend.

Domino Three

Double-three—sudden wedding, at which you will be vexed, and by which you will lose a friend.

Three-two—buy no lottery tickets, nor enter into any game of chance, or you will assuredly lose.

Three-one—a great discovery at hand.

Three-blank—an illegitimate child.

Domino Two

Double-two—you will be plagued with a jealous partner.

Two-one—you will mortgage or pledge some property very soon.

Domino One

Double-one—you will soon find something to your advantage, in the street or road.

Domino Blank

Double-blank—the worst presage in all the set of Dominoes; you will soon meet trouble from a quarter quite unprepared.

It is useless for persons to draw more than three dominoes at one time of trial, or in one and the same week, as they will only deceive themselves; shuffle the dominoes each time of choosing; to draw the same dominoe [sic] twice, makes the answer together.

So what do you think about fortune telling with dominoes? Ready to give it a whirl?

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