Ghosts of the Past – Divining With Dice

Telling Fortunes with Dice

From an 1860s Gypsy fortune telling book

This is a certain and innocent way of finding out common occurrences about to take place.

Take three dice, shake them well in the box with your left hand, and then cast them out on a board or table, on which you have previously drawn a circle with chalk.

Dice Numbers

Three—a pleasing surprise.
Four—a disagreeable one.
Five—a stranger who will prove a friend.
Six—loss of property.
Seven—undeserved scandal.
Eight—merited reproach.
Nine—a wedding.
Ten—a christening, at which some important event will occur.
Eleven—a death that concerns you.
Twelve—a letter speedily.
Thirteen—Tears and sighs.
Fourteen—beware that you are not drawn into some trouble or plot by a secret enemy.
Fifteen—immediate prosperity and happiness.
Sixteen—a pleasant journey.
Seventeen—you will either be on the water, or have dealings with those belonging to it, to your advantage.
Eighteen—a great profit, rise in life, or some most desireable good will happen almost immediately; for the answers to the dice are fulfilled within nine days.

To show the same number twice at one trial, shows news from abroad, be the number what it may.

If the dice roll over the circle the number thrown goes for nothing, but the occurrence shows sharp words; and if they fall on the floor it is blows; in throwing out the dice, if one remain on the top of the other, it is a present of which I would have them take care.