7 of Cups – What Fills Your 7 Cups?

7 of Cups – Realistic Dreams or Pie in the Sky?

The very first time I saw the 7 of Cups Tarot card I thought it was a ‘pie in the sky’ card. You know, cups filled with nothing but illusion or promises that could never be fulfilled.

Over the years, though, I’ve started seeing it differently. Whatever is in those cups *could* be just an illusion . . . or they could be the things we dream of . . . or they could be the things that bring us joy.

7 of cups tarot
Robin Wood Tarot (left) Mystical Cats Tarot (right)

In the Robin Wood Tarot (left) the cups are definitely things that would be difficult to obtain:

  • a castle
  • laurel wreath
  • stars
  • dragon
  • mask (you can get this one)
  • jewels (also obtainable)
  • snake (no thanks)
7 of cups Tarot
Prairie Tarot (left) Wildwood Tarot (right)

But in the Mystical Cats Tarot (right), the cat in the 7 of Sea (Cups) is chasing daydreams. Nothing is actually within the bubbles save the sea (emotions). While the woman in Robin Wood is dreaming of riches and fame, the cat is merely dreaming.

Now we look at the 7 of Cups from the Prairie Tarot (left). The first thing I pictured was a guy in a saloon who had run out of money and was dreaming of all of the glasses of wine (shots of whiskey) he would like in this hands. Is his dream of what fills his cups any more unrealistic than that of the Robin Wood 7? On top of that, his dreams, if fulfilled, would probably land him in the drunk tank.

Compare the Prairie Tarot with the 7 of Vessels (Cups) from the Wildwood Tarot (right), also known as Mourning.  Per the Wildwood, mourning ‘begins the process of recovery after failure or bereavement”.  This is really a card about mourning what has been lost. It’s a lesson for the reader about letting go, releasing. For me, this view of the 7 of Cups is the one most unlike all of the other decks in this post.

7 of cups tarot
Mystic Mondays Tarot (left) DruidCraft Tarot (right)

Lastly, I’m looking at the 7 of Cups from Mystic Mondays Tarot (left). (By the way, the card at the very top of this post shows fruit – the real card doesn’t have fruit on it – it’s just a background I used.)  These 7 cups are filled with interesting goodies:

  • flower
  • moon
  • crystal
  • leaf
  • compass or watch
  • heart
  • snake

All of these images are attainable. And they are more in line with how I see the 7 of Cups: Those things we feel would bring us fulfillment AND are attainable.

But before we leave, a look at the 7  from the DruidCraft Tarot. This card is so like the 4 of Cups (the man/boy looking bored). But is this young man bored, or are his dreams far more about his emotions (cups under water) than about anything tangible. except for that one last cup? You might be able to see that the cup on the land actually holds liquid – and notice the gems around the stem of the goblet – riches for sure.

How Do You See the 7 of Cups?

The question in my mind is how do you see this card? Does it represent a dream, attainable wishes, or illusions that – if they came real – could be destructive?

I’m choosing to see the cups as 7 Wishes – things that I’d like to have/be/experience and that are attainable. And, I didn’t say that attaining them would be easy, but at least doable. As much as I want my health to be excellent, I know I’ll never run a marathon – so that doesn’t get to go in one of my previous cups. How about you?

Leave a comment – I’m so curious.

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