6 of Wands Rejoicing Our Victories

Closing this Week with the 6 of Wands – the Victor

Regardless of the difficulties of the week, I’m happy to see the 6 of Wands giving us hope that we did our best as Mercury began the second of three retrogrades through 2020.

As if 2020 needed any more challenges.

The sixes of the Tarot are cards of harmony and comfort. In that sense, they are very Taurean. (If you don’t know, Taurus loves comfort, calmness, no change, and good food!).

As I look back over my own week I’ve been frustrated at constant interruptions in my work flow. Clients who didn’t tell me in advance about something they needed, forcing me to dam the flow and back-up to do an unrelated task. Frustrating.

But as the week wound down I was able to get back in the groove to work on future book proposals, my Insta account (which I’m in love with) and my blog (also in love with). So the 6 of Wands did come back to town – albeit later than I would have wished.

Another Look at the 6 of Wands

6 of wands

In this image of 6 of Wands (Fire) from Mystical Cats, we see a ring of 6 cats, all with a prize (just like the rider’s 6 wands of victory).

Why do I love this version so much more than the traditional one? It’s because victory looks different to each of us. If you look at the cats, you’ll see they are carrying

  1. fish
  2. wreath
  3. bell
  4. bird
  5. toy mouse
  6. ball

My suggestion for me – and for you – is to look back over the week and find the 6 victories. As you can see from our friends, the cats, the victory doesn’t have to be huge, it just needs to be a win. What victories did I carry this week?

  1.  a happy business client
  2. an app that I needed
  3. pizza with friends
  4. kudos from my editor
  5. taking the time to meditate
  6. meeting 60% of my exercise goals

What about you?  What 6 Wands did you achieve this week? Leave a comment – I’m always happy to hear from you.

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